
APD Regains Control of Use-of-Force Investigations: A Milestone in Reform
"This transition could not have taken place without the dedication of the men and women of Albuquerque Police Department and the relationship and trust forged by EFIT with the (DOJ) and the Independent Monitoring Team."
– Darryl Neier, EFIT Administrator
In a significant step towards police reform, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has regained control of investigating most use-of-force incidents. This milestone, marking the end of federal oversight in this area, comes after years of collaboration and progress under the Court-Approved Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
As Darryl Neier, EFIT Administrator, aptly states, "This transition could not have taken place without the dedication of the men and women of Albuquerque Police Department and the relationship and trust forged by EFIT with the (DOJ) and the Independent Monitoring Team."
This trust and dedication were built following a 2014 DOJ investigation revealing a "pattern of excessive use of force and deadly force" within APD. To address these concerns, the Settlement Agreement established the External Force Investigative Team (EFIT) to handle Level 2 and 3 use-of-force investigations (those causing injury or involving firearms).
Over the past few years, EFIT, in collaboration with APD and community stakeholders, made significant strides in reforming use-of-force practices. These included implementing new policies, enhancing training, and promoting accountability. As a result, the backlog of uninvestigated cases dramatically decreased, and compliance with the Settlement Agreement steadily improved.
This progress paved the way for APD to resume control of Level 2 and 3 investigations, starting December 18, 2023. While EFIT will continue to handle the remaining backlog cases, this transition signifies a critical step in APD reclaiming full responsibility for its internal affairs processes.
It's important to note that regaining control doesn't equate to a return to the status quo. Continued vigilance and oversight are crucial. The Independent Monitoring Team will remain in place to ensure compliance with the Agreement, and community engagement in police reform efforts must be ongoing.
The journey towards reform is complex and long-term. However, this milestone signals a significant accomplishment for APD and the Albuquerque community. It demonstrates the power of collaboration, dedication, and a shared commitment to building trust and ensuring accountable policing.
As we move forward, it's essential to acknowledge the challenges ahead while celebrating this step towards a more just and equitable future for Albuquerque.
Read the APD Notice of Transition here.
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