Albuquerque PD EFIT

Albuquerque PD External Force Investigation Team
Since May 2021 to Present, Mr. Neier has been appointed the External Force Investigation Team (EFIT) Administrator in Albuquerque, NM, (directing a team of 25 independent investigators).

With the potential of a Contempt of Court proceeding in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico, the City of Albuquerque, NM entered into a Federal Stipulated Agreement with the United States Department of Justice, this agreement was filed with the Federal Court on February 26, 2021 – Case 1:14-cv-01025-JB-SMV (Doc.720).

The United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Special Litigation Section drive authority from the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 42 U.S.C. § 14141 (re-codified at34 U.S.C. § 12601), allows them to review the practices of law enforcement agencies that may be violating people's federal rights.

The United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Special Litigation Section:

Special Litigation Section Cases and Matters:


June 6, 2024

DLG Consulting and Advisory Services Announces Completion of Albuquerque Police Department Use of Force Backlog Investigation

DLG Consulting and Advisory Services (DLG), administrator of the External Force Investigation Team (EFIT) for the Albuquerque Police Department (APD), today announced the filing of its final report with the United States District Court (Doc. 1059) on May 31, 2024.
May 16, 2024

Albuquerque Police Department Achieves Major Milestones in Policing Reform

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced that the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has achieved major milestones in its efforts to reform its department following a consent decree. This is a significant accomplishment for the APD and the City of Albuquerque, and it reflects the hard work and dedication of many people.
February 5, 2024

Unveiling Progress: Key Insights from Albuquerque PD EFIT Reports

The External Force Investigation Team's (EFIT 1's) Ninth and Final Quarterly Report and EFIT 2's Sixth Quarterly Report have been released. These reports offer valuable insights into the Albuquerque Police Department's (APD) ongoing efforts to address concerns related to external force, emphasizing transparency and positive change.
January 3, 2024

APD Regains Control of Use-of-Force Investigations: A Milestone in Reform

In a significant step towards police reform, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has regained control of investigating most use-of-force incidents. This milestone, marking the end of federal oversight in this area, comes after years of collaboration and progress under the Court-Approved Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).
November 13, 2023

APD Nearing Finish Line on Reforms, Monitor Raises Concerns About Top Brass' Handling of Police Shootings

The independent monitor, James Ginger, praised the city's overall compliance at 94% but expressed concerns about top-level mishandling of fatal police shootings.
October 30, 2023

City of Albuquerque and APD Achieves Another Major Milestone in Policing Reform Efforts

The Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has achieved a major milestone in its reform efforts. The city has filed a motion to terminate certain portions of the consent decree that has been in place since 2015. The motion was filed in recognition of APD’s sustained compliance with significant portions of the decree. This represents the second major milestone for APD this year.
October 2, 2023

External Force Investigation Team (EFIT) Issues Eighth Quarterly Report

As of this report, and cumulatively since EFIT went live in July 2021, 50 out of the 991 (5.04%) UOF investigations closed by EFIT/Internal Affairs Force Division (“IAFD”) were found not within the Albuquerque Police Department (“APD”) use of force (“UOF”) policies (this is a 1.39 decrease from what was reported in the previous quarterly report).
June 14, 2023

APD Applauded For Reform Progress, But Groups Caution Against Complacency

The tide began to turn after departmental and leadership changes at APD, according to the monitor’s report, along with the involvement of an external group called the External Force Investigation Team, or EFIT, brought in to clear a case backlog and train IAFD investigators on how to conduct quality and timely investigations.
June 8, 2023

External Force Investigation Team (EFIT) Issues Seventh Quarterly Report

On June 6, 2023, Darryl Neier (EFIT Administrator) and William Hurlock (Deputy Administrator) presented the External Force Investigative Team 7th Quarterly Report (Doc. 995) in an all-day hearing before the Honorable United States District Judge James Browning, District of New Mexico.
May 17, 2023

Federal Monitor Issues 17th Report, APD in 92% Operational Compliance

The Federal Monitor has issued his 17th report and APD is in 92% operational compliance. He states in the report that “The project with EFIT has been very successful, influencing the quality and timeliness of use of force investigations at APD”.
April 14, 2023

Justice Department Announces Major Milestones Achieved in Policing Reform Efforts for the City of Albuquerque and Albuquerque Police Department

The Justice Department announced today that it has joined with the City of Albuquerque in filing a motion seeking changes to the requirements of the consent decree regarding the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) after achieving compliance with a vast majority of the consent decree.
March 2, 2023

External Force Investigation Team (EFIT) Issues Sixth Quarterly Report

ABQ superintendent hails results as a 'success' in CASA compliance. Out of the nearly 300 times when Albuquerque Police Department officers used force in the latter part of 2022, they were found to have followed policies 95% of the time.
February 6, 2023

Albuquerque Internal Affairs Force Division trained by EFIT

The Albuquerque Internal Affairs Force Division is split with 18 civilians and 19 sworn staff — which a spokeswoman said ensures both perspectives are represented. They are being trained by the External Force Investigation Team out of Florida, an effort that has won praise from the DOJ and the Independent Monitor.
January 9, 2023

The United States District Court for the District of New Mexico Recently Released the Transcript of Status Conference

Mr. Darryl Neier, Managing Member of DLG Consulting and Advisory Services, stated that as the EFIT Administrator, he was honored to have participated and testified at the Status Conference held before The Honorable James O. Browing, United States District Judge for the District of New Mexico on December 6, 2022 (Doc. 973).
December 30, 2022

Over One Year, Albuquerque Police Have Cut Out-of-Policy Force Use In Half

The latest report from the external team helping the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) review instances of police use of force shows that APD has made a “dramatic reduction” in the percent of forceful interactions that are “out of policy.” In July 2021 almost 10 out of every 100 forceful interactions were out of policy. But by the end of September 2022, that was down to five out of every 100, the report shows.
December 9, 2022

Rise in Police Shootings Worries APD Reformers

Although the Albuquerque Police Department continues to make significant gains in the court-ordered reform effort, there have been more shootings by officers this year than during any other – including the years when a Department of Justice investigation found that APD had a pattern and practice of excessive force.
November 29, 2022

External Force Investigation Team (“EFIT”): Fifth Quarterly Report

EFIT just filed their 5th Quarterly Report with the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico (Doc. 960).
November 28, 2022

APD is Making Progress on Reforms

For the second reporting period in a row the Albuquerque Police Department continued to make substantial progress in its federally-mandated reform effort. After a couple of years of backsliding and turmoil, the department is once again in the highest level of compliance with the Court Approved Settlement Agreement (called the CASA). In May, after the monitor’s 15th report, city officials said for the first time that they have set a goal to be in full compliance by spring 2024.
August 26, 2022

Report: Albuquerque Police Show Progress In Investigating Uses Of Force

Now in its second year of work with the city, EFIT has provided four reports since November 2021. Their latest fourth quarterly report covers a timeframe from April 22, 2022, to August 5, 2022. It suggests that APD’s use of force investigations are improving in terms of following the rules.
August 5, 2022

External Force Investigation Team (“EFIT”): Fourth Quarterly Report

The EFIT Executive Team is pleased to report that, pursuant to the established protocols to begin to transition IAFD Detective/Investigators to conduct interviews without EFIT’s direct supervision, 11 IAFD personnel are progressing through the Phases of the system that will ultimately lead to an IAFD Detective/Investigators conducting UOF investigations without direct supervision of EFIT.
July 27, 2022

Officials Say There’s An ‘End In Sight’ For APD Reforms

At a news conference on Wednesday, Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence Rael said,“We are now beginning to see that the morale in this department is starting to lift,” he said. “That the work that the department has done from every level of the department – from the chief’s office to the rank-and-file officer in the field – that the reform is taking place and taking hold. That’s really important. It’s good for Albuquerque and our community. But it’s especially important for this department to continue to move forward.”
May 16, 2022

External Force Investigation Team (“EFIT”): Third Quarterly Report

Pursuant to the relevant documents, EFIT is on call 24/7 and must respond to all call outs within one hour of notification. All Use of Force (“UOF”) investigations must be completed within 60 days with an additional 30-day supervisory review period for a total of 90 days from start to finish.
February 18, 2022

External Force Investigation Team (“EFIT”) Continues Working with Albuquerque, NM Police: Files Second Quarterly Report

The External Force Investigation Team (“EFIT”) continues working with Albuquerque, NM Police and files the Second Quarterly Report with the United States District Court, District of New Mexico (“District Court”).
February 9, 2022

City Proposes to Expand External Force Investigation Team

ALBUQUERQUE – APD is preparing to address a backlog of use-of-force investigations by expanding the mission of a temporary, independent team that has shown success since the program was created last year.
November 12, 2021

External Force Investigation Team Files First Quarterly Report

Darryl S. Neier, who was appointed as the External Force Investigation Team Administrator in Albuquerque, NM on May 2, 2021, named New Jersey Attorney William L. Hurlock, Esq. as his Deputy Administrator ( and Darriell Bone as Lead Supervisor. Together they lead a team of 15 EFIT Investigators conducting joint investigations with The Albuquerque Police Department (“APD”) Internal Affairs Force Division (“IAFD”).
February 27, 2021

Outside Investigators Approved To Help Albuquerque Police

A federal judge has approved an order proposing the creation of an outside team to assist the Albuquerque Police Department with investigations into officer-related use of force cases. U.S. District Judge James Browning signed off on the order after a federal court hearing Friday, and said he will issue a written opinion on the matter in April in response to comments he made in court, the Albuquerque Journal reported.
DLG Consulting

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